Depending on the financial institution you are working with and the type of financial product you are applying for, it generally takes 1-7 business days to complete the review of a consumer loan application and even longer for a business loan application.
Upon submitting your application on Happy Mango, you will receive a confirmation message in email. The message describes the maximum number of days it will take for the financial institution to get back to you on your application.
Once a decision is made on your application, you will receive a Happy Mango system generated alert by email and text message asking you to log into your Happy Mango account to review the decision.
In addition, you can log into your Happy Mango account at anytime to check on the status of your application. You can find out the status of a recently submitted application on the Dashboard page as soon as you log in. Or you can find out the status of any previously submitted application by choosing "Applications" from the top right drop down menu after you log in.
If you have submitted an application on Happy Mango, you can log into your Happy Mango account at anytime to check on the status of your application by selecting "My Applications" from the drop down menu.
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